

It can be hard to connect. There are a lot of people around on a Sunday and it can be difficult to get to know people. One of our values at Plymouth Christian Centre is that we are people-focused. We want to be a church that is constantly and naturally reaching out to unchurched people and to be a church where people can belong and experience community and play their part.

“He makes the whole body fit together perfectly. As each part does its own special work, it helps the other parts grow, so that the whole body is healthy and growing and full of love.”

– Ephesians 4:16 (NLT)

What is connect?

It is our vision that every person at church is connected in some way other than through Sunday attendance. We want to create and develop more intentional points for people to connect and belong – whether you are new to the church or have been attending for years.

Connect is an invitation to build friendships through common interests, volunteering and discipleship. We can all play our part in building up and enriching our in-house community as we create opportunities to invite unchurched friends and relatives to the knowledge of Jesus.

How does it work?

Check out our Connect streams below and sign up to a lunch, group or volunteer team. We will then get in touch with further details. While in the building, you can do this through our Connect Corner.

Do you have any questions? Please get in touch get in touch with us.

Connect Lunches

A free lunch running once a month on a Sunday after the morning service. A chance to have a light lunch together, be introduced to the staff and elders, get to know what is going on and how you might take a next step to get involved. A great place to get to know a few names and faces. Book on to our next Connect Lunch.

Most Community and Volunteer Groups are active all year round. Activity and Discipleship Groups are seasonal and run for specified times.

Should you have any other question? Please let us know, we’d be happy to help.